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Anker 1
Sound field work with tuning forks
Sounds are vibrations. One of the goals of the sound work is to generate the harmonious, healthy vibration and make it available to the inharmonious part so that it can recover and reset to its basic vibration.
Pythagorean Tone Forks
They were developed to vibrate the body, brain and aura. The sound forks create a feeling of deep calm and have a harmonizing effect.
Tuning fork work in energy field (30 min.)
CHF 60.-
Combo offer "Balance"
Sound work in the energy field with tuning forks, followed by a massage (foot, head or face) (70 min.)
CHF 120.-
Combo offer "inner peace"
Sound work in the energy field with tuning forks, followed by individual relaxation hypnosis with sound if desired (70 min.)
CHF 120.-
Anker 2
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